Loan Equipment for Schools (PILAT)

What is the PILAT program?


Funded by the Provincial Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, the Program forLogo: BC Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills Institutional Loan of Adaptive Technology (PILAT) is a provincial loan bank of adaptive equipment that is administered by ATBC and available to public post-secondary institutions in BC. PILAT supports public post-secondary institutions in meeting their duty to accommodate students with disabilities by providing timely access to expert human guidance as well as supplementary technology resources.

In What Ways Can ATBC/PILAT Support Schools?

Through PILAT, ATBC can help institutions to supplement their existing resources as extraordinary issues arise. This is accomplished by providing access to technology support, consultation, and expertise to public colleges and universities.

The following describes some scenarios in which institutions may wish to consider requesting PILAT resources:

  • Interim Loans. This short term loan (typically 4 months or less) allows an institution to access assistive technology under the following conditions:
    • the institution is pursuing funding for that equipment but has not obtained that funding yet, even though the need for equipment already exists;
    • the institution already owns equivalent technology, but it is undergoing repair;
    • the institution already owns equivalent technology, but requires additional capacity to meet increased need on campus;
    • the institution has ordered equivalent technology and is awaiting its arrival; or
    • the institution wishes to test the suitability of the technology before committing to purchasing it.
  • Low Utilization Loans. The purpose of this referral type is to provide assistive technology loans when outright purchase of the equipment by the institution is not feasible because the technology is rarely required at the institution.
  • Expert Guidance, Consultation, and Training. PILAT referrals of this type allow an institution to access assistance in purchasing and configuring computers with assistive software, as well as training for institutional staff.

Donation of PILAT equipment to institutions is sometimes an option.

How can Institutions Apply?

Public post-secondary institutions in BC can request assistive technology services by sending a complete PILAT Service Request to ATBC.